
Memories on Every Page: Celebrating National Cookbook Month

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Did you know that October is National Cookbook Month? Even in the digital age, there’s still so much to love about good old-fashioned cookbooks! When we flip through the pages of a cookbook, we remember the recipes we’ve made and who we shared them with.

Our co-founders, Lisa and Sarah, have been cookbook lovers for their entire lives. Here are some of their favorite cookbooks and the memories behind them.

Baking Up a Storm with Betty Crocker

I’m Lisa, and I love cookies! I admit it. My sweet tooth loves to be satisfied with a cookie way too often. I once asked my grandfather which of my teeth was the “sweet tooth”. I don’t remember the answer, but he might have said “all of them”!

With my love of cookies, Betty Crocker’s Cooky Book was my favorite cookbook as a young baker and even now as an adult.

The cookbook was originally my mother’s and now 3 generations have cooked from it. It is well loved as evident by the vanilla stains on its pages and the covers that are no longer attached!. [I do still have the covers.]

I remember many days going through Betty Crocker’s Cooky Book looking for my next recipe to bake. The butterscotch brownies were and still are a family favorite. My brother loved the corner!

A note from Sarah: Betty Crocker’s Cooky Book is a favorite of mine, too! I found my own copy at a used book sale a few years ago. I hope it will be loved by multiple generations, just like my mom’s copy.

Making the Most of 30-Minute Meals

I (Sarah) have several cookbooks in my collection that hold special memories. One of my all-time favorites is Cooking Rocks! Rachael Ray 30-Minute Meals for Kids.

I’ve been a big fan of Rachael Ray for years. The original 30-Minute Meals was one of the first shows I watched on Food Network (though my favorite was $40 a Day). She’s always made cooking look so easy and accessible, and her no-fuss approach is totally my style.

I received Rachael’s cookbook for kids as a Christmas gift when I was 8 years old. After reading the whole thing from cover to cover, I marked all the recipes I wanted to try with sticky notes. Many years later, those sticky notes are still in place!

Besides her delicious dishes, Rachael is known for catchy sayings like “E-V-O-O” (extra virgin olive oil) and “Yum-O!” Her fun way with words also comes through in the titles of her recipes. The Elvis French Toast Sammie and Crunchy Oven-Baked Chicken Toes quickly became staples in the Lisson household!

The Best Places to Shop for Cookbooks

We love bookstores, and what could be better than a bookstore devoted to food and cooking? There are several culinary bookstores scattered across the world, carrying everything from the hottest new releases to antique and out-of-print editions. Here’s a sample- we’d love to visit all of these and more someday!

I (Sarah) visited Kitchen Arts & Letters while on vacation in New York City in 2018. This place is a favorite of amateurs and professionals alike and truly has something for every taste and skill level. The manager, Matt Sartwell, made lots of great recommendations and helped me pick out a couple of books on food history. It was a highlight of my trip, and I can’t wait to return!

How about you?

Is there a cookbook or recipe that brings back special memories for you? Have you ever visited a culinary bookstore?

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